The liturgy for Confession, also called “Reconciliation of the Penitent,” can be found in the Book of Common Prayer on pages 222-224. The sacramental practice of Confession begins with an examination of conscience, followed by confessing specific faults to God in the presence of a priest. The brief liturgy ends with the priest proclaiming the forgiveness that is promised to us (John 20:22-23).
Through confession and absolution we are freed from the weight of unresolved sin and reconciled to Christ and his Church. Confessions are made in a safe place and with an understanding priest. The Book of Common Prayer states, “The secrecy of a confession is morally binding for the confessor and is not to be broken.”
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“Healing was central to the ministry of Jesus, our incarnate Lord. Healing is central to the ministry of the Church, the Body of Christ ...The rite of Reconciliation and the reception of Holy Communion are also gifts through which healing takes place.”