February 16, 2025
Office Closed on Monday
The Office will be closed on Monday, February 17, for the Presidents’ Day Holiday.
Healing Service on February 20
There will be a healing service this Thursday, February 20, at 5:00 pm in the sanctuary. This is an evening prayer service with a sermon and extra healing prayers. Please come and bring your friends to be encouraged and refreshed.
Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies on Fridays
Fr. Samuel has resumed men’s and women’s Bible studies on alternate Fridays on the Gospel of John. The men meet at Casey’s at 12 pm on flex Fridays and the women meet in St. Andrew’s Room at 1 pm on non-flex Fridays. The next meeting is for the women this Friday, February 21.
Hymn Sing on February 27
If you would like a chance to sing some old favorites and maybe learn something new, praise the Lord, and worship with your brothers and sisters in Christ while Jordan leads you through an hour of music, come to the Hymn Sing on Thursday, February 27 in the sanctuary. It starts at 6:30 pm.
Mission of the Quarter
Fr. Richard & Martha Menees and their ministry in Uganda are our mission of the first quarter. If you didn’t get to hear Fr. Richard and Martha speak last Sunday, there are half page flyers in the narthex giving more information about their ministry and financial needs. There is an explanation on how you can support their ministry monthly if you would like to do that in addition to a one time offering through our church.
Funds Needed for Pastoral Care Fund
Our Pastoral Care Fund is extremely low. If you would like to contribute to this fund that helps members and nonmembers in need, please place your gift in the offering plate marked for the Pastoral Care Fund.