January 19, 2025
Confirmation Classes
If you would be interested in attending confirmation classes, please speak to Fr. Samuel. They will be in his office on Tuesdays at 4 pm. They just started on January 14.
Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies on Fridays
Fr. Samuel has resumed men’s and women’s Bible studies on alternate Fridays on the Gospel of John. The men meet at Casey’s at 12 pm on flex Fridays and the women meet in St. Andrew’s Room at 1 pm on non-flex Fridays. The next meeting is for the women this Friday, January 24.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting will be next Sunday, January 26, following the service. We will be voting on decreasing our number of vestry members to seven and the terms for convention delegates. We also will vote on some new members for the vestry and on convention delegates. In addition, there will be a report from Fr. Samuel and other ministry leaders. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. Your annual report is in your mail folder, if you would like to review it this week. Just remember to bring in back next Sunday.
Pregnancy Care Center (PCC)
Don’t forget that today is the PCC’s fundraiser at the Pizza Factory. Just mention the fundraiser when you make your order. Also, know that the third Sunday of every month, if you mention the Pregnancy Care Center at the Pizza Factory, they will donate a portion of their proceeds from your order to the center. Please plan to attend the PCC open house at their building on Thursday, February 6, at 2:30 pm. Be sure to read the recent newsletter hanging on the bulletin board or pick up one in the narthex.
Evensong Service
There will be an Evensong Service, which is evening prayer set to music, on Wednesday, February 5, at 5:00 pm in the sanctuary. Please come and close your day with this beautiful sung service.